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Australian Information Security Association Event

Australian Information Security Association

Australian Information Security Association has organized a wonderful event, where I talked about what you can do in case your PC is under a hackers control. Right after that, I demonstrated again a life Social Engineering attack. My job was not easy as the event was in a Bank and with full of Security Professionals. But as you can guess my demonstration ended successfully and as result, in the audience just gave me the best possible feedback 🙂

Below you will see 2 photos during my Social Engineering attack 🙂 For privacy reasons, I blurred them and kept the photo smaller than usual

 Australian Information Security Association  Erdal
Image may contain: 1 person
image 81

You might wonder what happened to CEO Training , my business , I sold the business to Fastlane Asia Pacific , and I am in the exit process , hopefully end of this year when all the transfer overs are completed
