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4 Benefits of Development Security Operations

Benefits of Development Security Operations

DevSecOps , short for development, security, and operations —automates the integration of security at every phase of the software development lifecycle, from initial design through integration, testing, deployment, and software delivery.

Learning institutions are continually releasing developers into the world. However, most of these institutions only focus on teaching developers how to actualize functionalities in application systems. Very few developers join the market with the aspect of security in development. As the IT environment is continually becoming less secure and more unpredictable, a new approach is required when developing apps and systems.

DevSecOps is a premise that states that anyone involved in software development is responsible for bringing together development and security. Initially, security used to be an after-thought. The development team would build the software first and then integrate security into it.

DevSecOps discourages this, and instead enforces a new development approach where security is tightly coupled with all other software development phases. Security is thus embedded in all development processes rather than coming in as an addition at the end of a development project.

DevSecOps ensures that the responsibility of security is equally shared in a software development project and that security is continually integrated from start to end. With the integrated approach, security is not built around the perimeter of systems—it is built within every part of the system. This makes it hard for malicious persons to compromise the system.

During software development, developers have security in mind and they continually share their insights on security threats and how they can make their software resistant to the threats. For instance, if the known threat takes advantage of a one-time authentication procedure, the developers can implement authentication at every module of a software so that an unauthorized person is not able to carry out any significant transactions in a system, even after bypassing the initial authentication process.

When learning DevSecOps, you will develop a new perspective on development. It will not just be about functionalities, but the security of the software as well. You will learn how to determine the risk tolerance of a software and how to improve it. You will also learn how to do a risk/benefit analysis. At times, too much security might hinder some essential services or make the software needlessly slow.

Therefore, DevSecOps ensures that security is not at either extreme so that it makes a software unusable due to the inclusion of too many security controls, or insecure to use due to few security controls. DevSecOps is fast gaining popularity in the market and organizations are looking for system developers that use this approach of building software. The benefits of DevSecOps are as follows:

Speed and agility: Software development is done in small iterations in which security is continually added. Also, security teams do not have to wait until a piece of software is completed to integrate security controls.

Response to changes: There are many changes that occur in the IT environment and they may, at times, affect the way security is integrated into the software. For instance, new threats may emerge during software development and the developers have to respond by making their system resistant to the threat.

Quality assurance testing: Systems built with the DevSecOps approach are easier to test since all components are tightly coupled. Security is not a module; rather, it is built into the software and can be thoroughly tested when other functionalities of the software are being tested.

Early identification of vulnerabilities: With DevSecOps, the software does not have to get to bug testers for vulnerabilities to be identified. All developers have the mindset of ensuring the security of a system, so they are always on the lookout for vulnerabilities that can be exploited. With many eyes sweeping through the code just to find out vulnerabilities, nearly all possible vulnerabilities are identified and resolved during development.

DevSecOps training is focused on a technical shift where you learn how to prioritize security during development. You also learn how to collaborate with other developers or security teams to ensure that the end deliverable is highly secure. DevSecOps is also focused on agility and fast responses to change. When taking the training, you will mostly learn code analysis, change management, compliance monitoring, threat investigation, and vulnerability assessment.

In the future, other software development approaches will slowly be abandoned and companies will be looking for developers who are well-versed in DevSecOps. Therefore, take the course today and reserve yourself a guaranteed space in software development in tomorrow’s job market.

DevSecOps Benefits

1. DevSecOps builds cybersecurity into a program from the start of development

2. Create more organizational awareness of security and potential problems

3. Change the culture and conversation around security

DevSec vs DevSecOps

While the two sound extremely similar, there are critical differences that will impact IT and business efficiency, as well as your ability to move forward with the best application development framework for your business.
Teams that can distinguish between DevOps and DevSecOps are equipped to make key decisions that increase the efficiency of their app development pipeline. What’s more, it also helps teams make necessary changes to their current process in order to focus more on speed, a

What do DevOps and DevSecOps have in common?
Collaborative culture
Active monitoring

What makes DevOps and DevSecOps different?
DevOps focuses on collaboration between application teams throughout the app development and deployment process. Development and operations teams work together to implement shared KPIs and tools. The goal of a DevOps approach is to elevate the frequency of deployments while ensuring predictability and efficiency of the app
DevSecOps evolved from DevOps as development teams began to realize that the DevOps model didn’t adequately address security concerns. Instead of retrofitting security into the build, DevSecOps emerged as a way to integrate the management of security earlier on throughout the development process. Through this method, application security begins at the outset of the build process, instead of at the end of the development pipeline

DevSec vs Dev

To dig in more about the DevSec vs DevSecOps , please read the full Arricle in App Dymnamics web site

You can learn more about DevSecOps and Cybersecurity in my book “Cybersecurity : The Beginners Guide”

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Quality assurance testing: development security and operations