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Cloud Security Cartoon featuring Dr Erdal – 2021

Cloud Security Cartoon featuring Dr Erdal

Cloud Security Cartoon


Cloud Roadshow Series 2021 Egypt Edition

About Cloud MENA

Middle East & North Africa Cloud Alliance is a vendor-agnostic industry association focused on monitoring, identifying and resolving issues around cloud adoption in the MENA region. MENACA strives to give the industry a unique voice and to provide a wide range of stakeholders with unbiased insights into the region’s cloud ecosystem. Our founding members include global as well as regional leading technology thought-leaders with a vested interest in creating a dialogue around cloud computing and its impact on MENA’s digital economies.
Visit their web site 

Values We Bring to the Ecosystem


We have brought together experts from different aspects of cloud computing market.


We have created a platform for major industry players to have a meaningful dialogue.


We have established the only regional vendor-neutral forum dedicated to cloud computing.

Omid is a community builder and a cloud evangelist. He has spent the last 10 years growing tech markets in both Asia and the Middle East. A well-recognized expert on IT transformation, Omid frequently speaks at events around the globe and regularly contributes thought leadership to the industry. As Founder and Executive Director of MENA Cloud Alliance, Omid is responsible for the organization’s overall strategy as well as leading MENACA toward becoming a regional cloud authority. Mr. Mahboubi also serves as cloud/big data consultant for a number of technology companies.

OMID MAHBOUBI Founder – Executive Director

Per has 20 years of experience growing technology companies and ICT industry trade groups to positions of market leadership, profitability and, in some cases, very successful exits. He possesses exceptional skills in managing cross-cultural business environments and has delivered double digit growth and healthy profit margins by successfully developing new revenue streams, new customers and new channels, whilst managing costs efficiently. A frequent public speaker, often quoted in industry press and by analysts. Per serves as the co-founder of MENA Cloud Alliance.
