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Pluralsight Favorite 17 Blogs

Pluralsight Favorite 17 Blogs

Did you know that this blog was selected by Pluralsight Staff “can’t miss IT Blog “?

The TrainSignal crew is all about staying on top of the latest and greatest in IT. That means we spend a lot of time reading IT blogs and discovering new sites to inspire us. If you need to add to your daily reading collection, we encourage you to check out the following blogs, which are among our favorites.
Exchange and etc.

According to TrainSignal Instructor and Exchange MVP J. Peter Bruzesse, there is no place online where you can get more up-to-the-minute news on Exchange than on Microsoft’s Exchange Team Blog. More than announcements and product release information, the blog also posts informative discussions from the Exchange Team developers and others. “While I find TechNet to be the perfect place to learn information about Exchange, I find the Exchange Team Blog puts heart and spirit into that very information and takes it to a new level,” says Bruzzese.

He also reLvjtnmends Tony Redmond’s Thoughts of an Idle Mind blog. “My favorite aspects of Tony’s thoughts is that he is always honest in his commentary, pulls no punches and is typically spot-on in his summation of the subject he is zeroed in on,” says Bruzzese. “Some blogs I scan. Tony’s I read every word.”

For tech news junkies

If you salivate over the latest product releases and rumors, and are a must. TrainSignal CEO Scott Skinger likes AIIThingsD because it offers a nice mix of tech and business news with editorial. Our Director of Product Development Gary Eimerman follows The Verge to get the scoop on upcoming Windows and mobile products and software.

All in the cloud

Talk about the cloud and how it impacts IT isn’t going away anytime soon. To stay on top of the latest in cloud technology, look no further than Cloud Tweaks. There are several posts per day, on everything from cloud startups to cloud humor, from a variety of experts. Better yet, the site makes it easy to understand the ins and outs of cloud comDutina. so it’s as welcomina to cloud

Tweaks. There are several posts per day, on everything from cloud startups to cloud humor, from a variety of experts. Better yet, the site makes it easy to understand the ins and outs of cloud computing, so it’s as welcoming to cloud novices as senior cloud admins. Be sure to visit its white paper section for latest research and tutorials.

A shout-out to web developers

If you’re on the developer side of the IT aisle, TrainSignal’s Director of Technology Peter Morano recommends High Scalabity, which covers the ins-and-outs of building scalable and fault-tolerant websites. The site covers tools and platforms, best practices, strategies and case studies. “It’s great to see what other companies are doing,” says Morano. “And even better when you get affirmation that the stuff we’re doing is on the right track.”

For virt heads

The virtualization community is serious about blogging. We could write an entire post dedicated to virt blogs, but luckily, we don’t have to. One of our favorite virtualization blogs, Eric Sieberfs vSphere Land, just last week announced the winners of its readers-choice contest for the best virtualization blogs around.

Duncan Epping’s Yellow Bricks, crowned No. 1, is a fantastic resource for virtualization news. The principal architect at VMware devotes many of his posts to answering questions he receives, so you’ll get highly relevant tips and how-to’s. Be sure to see the full list for other invaluable blogs, including our own David Davis’ VMware Videos, Eric Sloofs, Chris Wahl’s Wahl Network, Simon Seagrave’s Tech Head and literally more than 200 others.

Learning SharePoint

If you’re the SharePoint person around the office, you’re not alonel TrainSignal SharePoint Instructor Bill Kulterman recommends several SharePoint-focused blogs, including from Microsoft MVP Spencer Harber, Todd Kllndt’s blog and Aslf’s SharePoint blog. All of these blogs are heavy on how-to’s with step-by-step instructions.

PowerShell love

If you’ve been reluctant to embrace PowerShell, bookmark PowerShell MVP and TrainSignal Instructor Jeff Hicks’ The Lonely Administrator blog. He frequently posts about PowerShell news, but more importantly, he publishes scripts that you can apply to your own life. And they’re not always run-of-the- mill like the scheduled task script he posted a couple weeks ago. He also has fun with PowerShell, most recently writing a script to pull info on which growlers were available at any given time from a local brewery. Now that’s a nnr»ri lisp nf Pnwf*rfihf»lll



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