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Cybersecurity Leadership Demystified Announcing 11 Experts

Cybersecurity Leadership Demystified Announcing 11 Experts

Cybersecurity Leadership Demystified Announcing 11 Experts

Cybersecurity Leadership Demystified Announcing 11 Experts , who is part of the book 🙂

My new book is ready to be published and I am really proud to announce the 11 Experts who has contributed in the Bonus chapter ,called Ask The Experts. A  chapter which has not been written by me, but instead by a selection of very well-known Cybersecurity Experts, which some of protect worlds biggest organizations with their services, products , some who are trainers who teaches CISO classes as well as advanced security classes.

I’m honored to welcome Dr. Timothy Summers, Dr. Suleyman Ozturk, Dr. Mike Jankowski, and my very close friends Marcus Murray, Raymond Comvalius, Sukru Durmaz, Raif Sarica, Vladimir Meloski, Paula Januskiewicz, and Mert Sarica. They shared their time, insight, and experiences freely and without reservation. I am thankful for the contribution of their expertise and wisdom in this book.

Let’s learn more about those experts : Continue reading Cybersecurity Leadership Demystified Announcing 11 Experts
