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Edwar Aguiar

Information Security for non computer scientists

Information Security for non computer scientists : New B00K review

Information Security for non computer scientists

Layer 8 “Computer security for non-computer” Edwar J. Aguiar Ch. How secure is your computer? Maybe your information has already been stolen, only you haven’t noticed, or so far, no one has used it against you. According to Erdal Ozkaya, the Australian computer security guru, there are two types of end users: “users who know they have been hacked and users who never believe they will be infiltrated.”

It is very likely that we will not be able to change the way the world works, but, if we understand how it works and the way it does not, to help us recognize and avoid the pitfalls and choose a more appropriate security posture in response to the threats existing in the environment.

There are different perspectives to answer this question, but Edwar Aguiar, a passionate about technology and certified professional in computer security and computer networks, surprises us with his ability to explain in a simple way, complex aspects of the connectivity of devices and computer networks in an essential text for anyone who resorts to the use of the computer for professional reasons, of study or entertainment.

Layer 8 – “Computer Security for Non-Informatics,” shows us the high impacts that information security incidents have on governments, companies and individuals, while preparing you to defend yourself and understand the future opportunities and threats of modern society.

Seguridad informática
Seguridad informática Edwar J. Aguiar Ch

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