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Incident Response In The Age Of Cloud

Incident Response in the age of cloudIncident Response in the age of cloud

Incident Response In The Age Of Cloud – 2021

Anyone can be hacked. It is just a matter of time. Even the right technology, e.g. the best firewall or anti-virus application, can fall short of protecting your system against cyber-attacks since cybercriminals are always in search of finding new methods and ways to infiltrate into systems. Responding to an incident quickly will help an […]

Incident Response in the Age of Cloud

Incident Response in the Age of Cloud –

Incident Response in the Age of Cloud by Dr Erdal Ozkaya

And here is the “planned ” cover of my new book, I hope you will like it as much as I did.

The book is planned to be published in August 2020 , and as usual I will have Ask The Expert Section with really big names from the industry, some work for Microsoft DART team, some are in the industry for more then 15 years and some of the experts published many books , please give me bit more time before i announce their name…

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