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Threat Hunting

Threat Hunting In The Shadows Protection – Free Webinar

Threat Hunting in the Shadows Protection First; Not Detection

Preventing file-less attacks & unknown malware from wreaking havoc on your organization can be a daunting task; especially if you lack visibility to detect it. It’s critical to pro-actively hunt for this activity and ensure you’re collecting the right telemetry across your network & endpoints. Anti-virus has proven to not be enough and Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) tools can become ineffective if they’re not configured appropriately, lack individuals to monitor, or if they’re only being used to simply alert.

This presentation will focus on the tactics and techniques used by experienced hunters to seek out the unknown and the methods used for prevention and how a CISO or MSP must get out in front of all these issues very early on to drive optimal instrumentation and outcomes. You will also learn how Protection First Zero Dwell Containment isolates all breach attempts from accessing your real assets, while allowing users to continue their use of applications uninterrupted

When: Jan 26, 2023 11:00 AM in Dubai

Jan 26, 2023 2:00 AM in New York

Jan 26, 2023 1o:00 PM in Sydney

Registration: Click here

Threat Hunting
Threat Hunting

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WHAT IS MANAGED DETECTION AND RESPONSE? Organizations — no matter how big or small — are finding it harder to fight cybersecurity threats today than a few years ago. A recent Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG) survey revealed that 63% of organizations claimed that it is harder to analyze threats today than it was 2 years […]
