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TechEd NA

Dr Erdal Ozkaya

Double Award

Double Award

Getting awards for what you love doing is always good 🙂

Today I received double award at Microsoft Tech Ed :

  1. Awarded by Windows Product Team for my contributions to make Windows even better
  2. Microsoft TechEd Team, for being the most active community contributor.

Your feedback’s are just encoring me to do more. The awards are the cherries in top of the cake . THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU


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Erdal Ozkaya

So you are hacked ! What’s Next? (Watch 4 Free )

So you are hacked

Let’s face it, Windows machines can get hijacked if you happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Fortunately, Microsoft has built numerous tools into Windows so administrators and power users can analyze systems to determine whether and how they’ve been compromised. But many of us are not even take this into consideration! In this session, we’ll demonstrate the tools built into Windows for such analysis, as well as more free tools from the Security community to help you out getting of chaos! If you have ever had a virus in your PC than attending this session is a must for you.

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TechEd NA 2008 Erdal Ozkaya

TechEd NA 2008

TechEd NA 2008 It was my first Microsoft Tech Ed in North America, this year it was in Orlando. I helped the community in the Learning Lab’s as “technical learning guide” as well as I worked in the Microsoft Springboard booth, talking about Windows and Windows Security The feedback was great and as a result, […]
