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DX Inspire Awards 2023

Celebrating the Impact Trailblazers at DX Inspire Awards 2023

Celebrating the Impact Trailblazers at DX Inspire Awards 2023 I am thrilled and honored to receive this award for being a Impact Trailblazer. I would like to thank the GEC MEDIA GROUP , the judges, my mentor Melih Abdulhayoglu for challenging me to do more ,my Boss Ken Levine for his support , and of course my wonderful team at Xcitium and all […]

Microsoft MVP Award 2022

Microsoft MVP Award 2022 – Great Achievement

Microsoft MVP Award 2022 It’s the day for me to be proud again. I am proud to be recognized as a Most Valuable Professional this year again by Microsoft , an award given to less than 3000 individuals globally for the contribution they/ we do to the community. In other words, Microsoft awarded me for the […]

Western Sydney University Innovation and Entrepreneurship Alumni Award

Western Sydney University Alumni Award – Innovation and Entrepreneurship 2022

Western Sydney University Alumni Award

I received a great LinkedIn message today, which made me really proud as an Alumni of the University who graduated 16 years ago (2006). The “Western People and Sucess Team” reached out to me sharing the news that ” I have been nominated, by the University to the 2022 Innovation and Entrepreneurship Alumni Award.

I know I might not be one of the winners but still, getting considered by the team made me proud.

Thank you, Western Sydney University, thank you Western People and Sucess Team.


Dr Erdal Ozkaya

About the Western Sydney University Innovation and Entrepreneurship Alumni Award

Showcasing Western’s biggest success stories: our graduates.

At Western we recognize that our alumni are a vital part of our story. As we look to the future, we aim to continue to build upon a dynamic and innovative culture that secures success with regional, national and international impact.

The Alumni Awards acknowledge and celebrate the outstanding achievements of graduates of Western Sydney University and its antecedent institutions.

About Innovation and Entrepreneurship Alumni Award

This award recognises alumni who have demonstrated excellence in the fields of research, innovation, creative thinking and technology and highlights the impact of their work.

Nominations must meet all of the following selection criteria:

  • The nominee is a graduate of Western Sydney University or its antecedant institutions.
  • The nominee’s accomplishments raise their profile and standing within their community and/or bring greater recognition to their profession.
  • The nominee demonstrates excellence in the fieldof research and innovation.
  • The nominee is a visionary and has demonstrated creative thinking, hard work and courage in exploring new areas in their respective field of work.
  • The nominee’s work and/or contribution in their community is likely to be an inspiration to thenext generation of graduates and the communityat large.

Continue reading Western Sydney University Alumni Award – Innovation and Entrepreneurship 2022

DX Inspire Award 2022 Dr Erdal Ozkaya

DX Inspire Award – 2022 Better together

DX Inspire Award

I am extremely honored to announce that Global CISO Forum has awarded me with the prestigious DX Inspire Awards for my contributions to the Cybersecurity and CISO Community.

I am earnestly grateful for the recognition and thank the Inspire Commitee for selecting me. I always love to be part of communities as I honestly believe we can achieve much more together. This is my passion and getting rewarded for what I love of course makes me proud and happy.

I am thankful to the Global CISO Forum team, the judges as well as my family for their unconditional support.

Better together

Dr Erdal Ozkaya

Continue reading DX Inspire Award – 2022 Better together

CISCO IT Blog Awards

IT Blog Awards Finalist by Cisco – 2021 ( Great Blogs)

IT Blog Awards Finalist by Cisco

This blog is selected to be one of the best by Cisco for 2021, as I have announced earlier. The voting will end February 18 , so in less then 2 weeks and I wold apprciate the time you take to vote for me to be one of the winner in the IT Blog awards by Cisco.

To vote just click here  or :

Every vote counts. Thank you

Dr Erdal Ozkaya

Continue reading IT Blog Awards Finalist by Cisco – 2021 ( Great Blogs)

CISCO IT Blog Awards

Cisco Finalist in the 2021 IT Blog Awards – I am Thankful

CISCO Finalist in the 2021 IT Blog Awards

I don’t even have words to begin to describe the honor & privilege that this blog has announced as a finalist for the CISCO IT Blog awards.

This would not happen with out your support , so a very BIG THANK YOU for each one of you for keep visiting my blog since 2006.

Also a very big Thank you for the Cisco team for the nomination.

Now, I need one more little favour from all of you, can you please go ahead and vote for me ?Here is the link:

Continue reading Cisco Finalist in the 2021 IT Blog Awards – I am Thankful

Hall of Fame Dr Erdal Ozkaya

Hall of Fame Awardee Success Story : Dr Erdal Ozkaya (2021)

Hall of Fame Awardee Success Story

Here is my story of being on the one of the Hall of Fame Awardees :

You can visit my award page at EC Council Web site via the link below:

Every year, EC-Council honors a select group of our CEH certified members by inducting a group into the CEH Hall of Fame. It is our chance to honor the best and brightest among our global community. This is a by invitation-only recognition program.

This coveted honor is not for the mediocre. Only current EC-Council members who scored at least 90% on the CEH exam are invited to apply for the Hall of Fame.

EC-Council has a growing alumni of certification holders who have used their education excellence and experience to not only become successful, but to positively contribute to society. We believe that positive role models are extremely important in today’s world and that our best and brightest should be held up for others to emulate.

Candidates are invited to apply annually and applications are presented to the CEH Hall of Fame selection committee. The committee carefully reviews the applications based on their accomplishments, contribution to society, their career transformation story, and their role in the organization where they are employed. The 2021 inductees into the CEH Hall of Fame will be featured on the CEH Hall of Fame Leader board.

To see my other awards click here 

CEH Hall of Fame Dr Erdal Ozkaya
CEH Hall of Fame Dr Erdal Ozkaya

Continue reading Hall of Fame Awardee Success Story : Dr Erdal Ozkaya (2021)
