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Hack the Future CIDC 2023 Baku

Hack the Future : CIDC 2023 Baku

The Critical Infrastructure Defense Challenge 2023 (CIDC 2023) event will be held in Baku on October 26-27, 2023. I’m glad to share that I will be participating as speaker in this amazing event.

The event is organized by Azerbaijan’s State Service for Special Communications and Information Security and the State Security Service.

The event aims to increase the experience, knowledge, and skills in the field of information security of employees of government agencies, critical infrastructure, financial and telecommunications sectors, as well as strengthening networking and coordination between the public and private sectors . More information about the event is available at


Virtual warfare competition to be held in the country for the first time with the simulation of cyberattacks.

Create [3-5 people] your own team of employees of the enterprise where you work to participate in the virtual war competition, sign up and win the cyberwar with a prize fund of 30000 AZN!

Who can join?

  • IT teams of state institutions
  • IT teams of critical infrastructures
  • IT teams of banks
  • IT teams of telecommunications enterprises


Information security presentations and panel discussions , here is the agenda


Cybersecurity solutions exhibition of companies working in information technology and security

Contact for event partner, exhibitor, and sponsorship terms and conditions



Intersession competitions and quiz on special screens during the exhibition

  • Solve quizzes
  • Collect Points
  • Win a gift


Choose one of the first Cyber school “Hack the future” training in Azerbaijan based on different levels of knowledge and age categories and join a free masterclass in Cybersecurity! Since spaces are limited, hurry to register! The first 50 people registered for each training will be enrolled in the training.

For more free events click here


İnformasiya texnologiyaları və təhlükəsizliyi sahəsində çalışan şirkətlərin kibertəhlükəsizlik həlləri sərgisi.

Tədbirin tərəfdaşı, sərgi iştirakçısı və sponsorluq şərtləri üçün əlaqə saxlayın.

Azərbaycanda ilk Kiberməktəbin “Hack the future” proqramı üzrə müxtəlif bilik səviyyələrinə və yaş kateqoriyalarına uyğun təlimlərdən birini seç və Kibertəhlükəsizlik üzrə ödənişsiz masterklasa qoşul! Yerlər məhdud olduğundan qeydiyyata tələs! Hər bir təlim üzrə qeydiyyatdan keçmiş ilk 50 nəfər təlimlərə buraxılacaqdır.


Ölkədə ilk dəfə kiberhücumların simulyasiyası ilə keçiriləcək virtual müharibə yarışı.

Virtual müharibə yarışında iştirak etmək üçün çalışdığın müəssisənin əməkdaşlarından ibarət öz komandanı [3-5 nəfər] yarat, qeydiyyatdan keç və 30000 AZN-lik mükafat fondu ilə kibermüharibənin qalibi ol!

Kimlər qoşula bilər?

  • Dövlət qurumlarının İT komandaları
  • Kritik infrastrukturların İT komandaları
  • Bankların İT komandaları
  • Telekommunikasiya müəssisələrinin İT komandaları

Contact information


012 435 18 74, 012 435 18 29


[email protected]


Baku Congress Center

Hack the Future CIDC 2023 Baku
Hack the Future CIDC 2023 Baku

Hack the Future CIDC 2023 Baku – Hack the Future -CIDC 2023 -Hack the Future CIDC 2023 Baku

The Pioneering “Critical Infrastructure Defense Challenge 2023” in Baku Unveils Promising Opportunities in Cybersecurity

An Unprecedented Cybersecurity Event in Baku

The Baku Congress Center will host the novel, leading-edge “Critical Infrastructure Defense Challenge 2023” (CIDC-2023) on October 26-27. This ambitious event, the brainchild of the State Service of Special Communication and Information Security of the Republic of Azerbaijan (SCSID) and the Azerbaijani State Security Service, serves as a platform for domestic and foreign companies, government and private sectors, students, and professionals within this domain.

The Inaugural “Cyber War” Competition

As part of this pioneering event, Azerbaijan will witness its inaugural Cyber War competition. The objective of the competition is to enhance the defense skills against cyber-attacks and hone crisis management capabilities for information systems. Participating teams are required to safeguard the virtual information systems from simulated cyber-attacks, thereby elevating the overall cybersecurity resilience of the region.

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A Platform for Learning and Networking

CIDC-2023 is not just about competition; it serves as a networking and learning platform as well. The event will house panel discussions and showcases around information security. Moreover, participants can avail themselves of complimentary professional development training, a move aimed at stoking interest and improving proficiency within this sector.

(Read Also: Unrest in Europe: French Armenians’ Support for Separatists in Garabakh Amidst Tightened Security Measures)

Boosting Information Security Prowess

The driving force behind organizing such an event is to bolster the expertise, awareness, and skills related to information security. It is particularly designed for individuals and teams working in government institutions, critical infrastructure, and the finance and telecommunications sectors. The intent is to fortify cooperation and order between the public and private sectors, setting a new global standard for cybersecurity practices and protocols.

(Read Also: Azerbaijan Powers to Unveil Cultural Destruction and Human Rights Abuses)

Baku to host Critical Infrastructure Defense Challenge 2023 event

With the joint organization of Azerbaijan’s State Service for Special Communications and Information Security and the State Security Service, the Critical Infrastructure Defense Challenge 2023 (CIDC-2023) event will be held in Baku on October 26-27, Report informs.

The event will be held at the Baku Congress Center.

CIDC-2023 aims to increase the experience, knowledge and skills in the field of information security of employees of government agencies, critical infrastructure, financial and telecommunications sectors, as well as strengthening networking and coordination between the public and private sectors.

More information about the event available at