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Heartbleed clinic seeks to staunch flow ( Free Training 14)

Heartbleed clinic seeks to staunch flow

Over 6 000 students have enrolled in a Hacking Countermeasures short course to be run by Charles Sturt University (CSU) and industry partner IT Masters.

The free online short course runs over five weeks and will include a detailed session on the recently discovered online security vulnerability known as the ‘Heartbleed’ bug.

The course will be delivered by Mr Erdal Ozkaya, who has received numerous awards in cyber security and presented at cyber security conferences worldwide. 

“If you enroll for this course, strap on your seat belt because Erdal’s Lectures are pretty full on,” said IT Masters CEO, Mr Martin Hale.    

And as lectures are recorded you can review what you missed live. You will not be bored because Erdal’s enthusiasm is infectious and the information he presents is the latest on best practice in cyber security,” said Mr Hale.


The short course aims to provide students with a taste of postgraduate study via distance education with CSU.  “The Hacking Countermeasures short course covers sections of our subject ITE516: Hacking Countermeasures, a subject in the Master in Information Systems Security degree at Charles Sturt University. The short course mirrors the format of the subject in that it includes weekly lectures, homework and even a final exam,” Mr Hale said. 

The Master’s course has a number of subjects designed to help students prepare for the world’s most popular cyber security certifications including CISSPand Certified Ethical Hacker.   

“This mixture of the latest in industry best practice and rigor in academic assessment is one reason over 10000 IT professionals study with Charles Sturt University,” Mr Hale said.The Hacking Countermeasures short course starts at 7 pm on Wednesday 28 May with two hours of lectures and demonstrations.  Prospective students can read more about the course and enrol here.

CSU Cyber'

Hacking is easy! Don’t make it even easier for Attackers

We had Full house and 5 Star’s review form the webinar I run few weeks back. If you didn’t watch it, below is the recording for you to watch via #BrightTalk

We have all heard it before: It’s not a matter of IF, but WHEN you’ll be hacked. Some even say that we are all (already) hacked. Hacking can impact the ability of organisations to do business, expose sensitive customer information or industrial secrets and have direct and indirect negative financial consequences for businesses.

Despite the many high profile cases we see disclosed on a regular basis, and the efforts to improve awareness, we continue to see organisations being hacked over and over again. One of the reasons is that security has not yet become a concern for the entire business. Therefore, efforts to reduce the risk of breaches are often misaligned and leave dangerous entry points open for attackers.

Hacking Countermeasures – Free Hacking Training

Join Charles Sturt Universities course for FREE

Module 1: Introduction to Hacking Countermeasures

Module 2: Foot printing and Reconnaissance

Demo: How do hackers “hack“?

Heartbleed clinic


Watch in You Tube : 

Leading IT security expert, Erdal Ozkaya, now lecturing at Charles Sturt

Erdal Ozkaya, one of the world’s leading experts and educators on security in the Microsoft environment has taken up a lecturing role at Charles Sturt University.

Ozkaya was the founder and senior Microsoft instructor of CEO IT Training, a company that has now merged with Fast Lane Asia Pacific; one of Australia’s Silver certified Microsoft Learning Partners. He now participates in worldwide events as a technical lead and speaker and is also a security consultant and certified ethical hacker trainer.

He specializes in Windows client and server operating systems and applications: Exchange 2007/2010/2013; SharePoint 2007/2010; EC-Council security and ISO 27001/27002/27005. He has been repeatedly recognized by Microsoft for his achievements as a speaker, educator, and courseware author. In April 2010 he became the first Microsoft Certified Learning Consultant in Australia. There are very few recipients of this award in the world and he remains the only recipient in Australia.

He has awarded “Best Technical Learning Guide” and “Best Speaker” in Microsoft Technical Education Seminars (TechEd) Australia and gained the Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (Windows Expert-IT Pro) award in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013. The International Council of Electronic Commerce Consultants (EC-Council) gave him its Global Instructor of the Year Award in 2011 and 2012. The award recognizes instructors that have contributed significantly, and made a difference, to the information security community by providing leading EC-Council certification programs.

Ozkaya told WhaTech that he started his career in IT security as a teenager. “I started in IT when I was 15 years old working at small companies and learning a bit about networking and I started to specialize in security because I noticed that there were many security vulnerabilities. I tried to learn from the mistakes of people were making and became one of well-known experts in the market.” In addition to his work lecturing and training, Ozkaya is still very actively involved in the ‘front line’ of IT security, protecting organizations against cyber threats. He is actively involved in the development of complex IT security solutions, and in enforcing regulatory requirements on organizations to ensure that they protect their digital assets. Find out more about Erdal Ozkaya at CSU here 

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Hacking Countermeasures