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ICS CBK Suggested References – (ISC)2

ICS CBK Suggested References

Did you know that our book, Cybersecurity Attack and Defense Strategies is listed in one of the World’s Most Prestigious certification bodies as a Reference book?

This reference list is not intended to be an all-inclusive collection representing the respective certifications Common Body of Knowledge (CBK). Its purpose is to provide candidates a starting point for their studies in domains which need supplementary learning in order to complement their associated level of work and academic experience. Candidates may also consider other references, which are not on this list but adequately cover domain content.

Note: (ISC)² does not endorse any particular text or author and does not imply that any or all references be acquired or consulted. (ISC)² does not imply nor guarantee that the study of these references will result in an examination pass.


ICS CBK Suggested References
ICS CBK Suggested References

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heartbleed vulnerability

Heartbleed clinic seeks to staunch flow ( Free Training 14)

Heartbleed clinic seeks to staunch flow

Over 6 000 students have enrolled in a Hacking Countermeasures short course to be run by Charles Sturt University (CSU) and industry partner IT Masters.

The free online short course runs over five weeks and will include a detailed session on the recently discovered online security vulnerability known as the ‘Heartbleed’ bug.

The course will be delivered by Mr Erdal Ozkaya, who has received numerous awards in cyber security and presented at cyber security conferences worldwide. 

“If you enroll for this course, strap on your seat belt because Erdal’s Lectures are pretty full on,” said IT Masters CEO, Mr Martin Hale.    

And as lectures are recorded you can review what you missed live. You will not be bored because Erdal’s enthusiasm is infectious and the information he presents is the latest on best practice in cyber security,” said Mr Hale.


The short course aims to provide students with a taste of postgraduate study via distance education with CSU.  “The Hacking Countermeasures short course covers sections of our subject ITE516: Hacking Countermeasures, a subject in the Master in Information Systems Security degree at Charles Sturt University. The short course mirrors the format of the subject in that it includes weekly lectures, homework and even a final exam,” Mr Hale said. 

The Master’s course has a number of subjects designed to help students prepare for the world’s most popular cyber security certifications including CISSPand Certified Ethical Hacker.   

“This mixture of the latest in industry best practice and rigor in academic assessment is one reason over 10000 IT professionals study with Charles Sturt University,” Mr Hale said.The Hacking Countermeasures short course starts at 7 pm on Wednesday 28 May with two hours of lectures and demonstrations.  Prospective students can read more about the course and enrol here.

CSU Cyber'

Continue reading Heartbleed clinic seeks to staunch flow ( Free Training 14)
