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Cybersecurity in the COVID-19 era Dr Erdal Ozkaya

Cybersecurity in the COVID-19 era : Free Webinar

Cybersecurity in the COVID-19 era

Cybersecurity has evolved with these changing times due to COVID-19 situations. The priorities have shifted and so have the IT budgets.

-How does Cybersecurity look in the current situation?
-What can you do to manage your IT budgets?
-Which technological areas you shall be focusing on and investing in?
-How will the new world look like in terms of cybersecurity?

Get your questions answered in this exclusive webinar where Industry leader Dr. Erdal Ozkaya, CISO Standard Chartered Bank & Microsoft MVP is joined by Mohd Mobasseri, CEO of emt Distribution.


Jun 15, 2020 03:00 PM in Dubai

  • COVID-19 has changed how people work, and cybersecurity needs to reflect this new normal.
  • As networks and cloud environments stretch to accommodate the new reality, edge security strategies must be extended.
  • The challenge here is not new technology, but old mindsets.

Continue reading Cybersecurity in the COVID-19 era : Free Webinar

Erdal Ozkaya in the News

Readiness for remote working – Beat COVID19 cyber threats

Readiness for remote working

As published in : 

By Giorgia Guantario

In the first edition of our new series of virtual discussions called DigiTalks, Tahawultech’s editorial team Mark Forker and Giorgia Guantario spoke to Dr Erdal Ozkaya, Head of Information & Cybersecurity, Standard Chartered and Tatiana Labaki, Senior Manager – Revenue & Analytics, Emaar regarding their experience with remote working.

Continue reading Readiness for remote working – Beat COVID19 cyber threats

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Working from Home & Cybersecurity : Free Webinar 1

Working from Home and Cybersecurity

In the first edition of our new series of virtual discussions called DigiTalks, we spoke to Dr. Erdal Ozkaya, Head of Information & Cybersecurity at Standard Chartered Bank and Tatiana Labaki, Senior Manager – Revenue & Analytics at Emaar, to explore the challenges facing enterprises as they move their operations to a virtual #workplace. In the second part of our discussion on the UAE’s readiness for #remoteworking, we examine how #coronavirus has affected Dr Erdal’s and Tatiana’s day-to-day operations as they continue to adapt to #workingfromhome.

You can find all the parts here,just scroll down Continue reading Working from Home & Cybersecurity : Free Webinar 1
