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Future of Cybersecurity ’s Virtual Conference – 2020 -Attend for free

Future of Cybersecurity ’s Virtual Conference

During the COVID19 crisis, cyber security has never been more important

As the coronavirus crisis leads to drastic changes across the board, businesses have had to adjust quickly. But cyber security has never been more important, which is why we have decided to run the Future of Cyber Security as a virtual event.

Following hot on the heels of Cyber News Group’s highly successful 2019 events, the Future of Cyber Security’s Virtual Conference will be better than ever, including live interviews with former Cambridge Analytica Whistle-blower Brittany Kaiser and hacking group Anonymous.

Attracting an exclusive audience of senior industry executives, the conference will feature topics relevant to the current COVID-19 crisis as a huge number of employees across all industries are required to work from home.

There is no doubt that cyber-criminals are already jumping on opportunities to exploit employees working remotely during coronavirus, and the number of cyber-attacks will increase, according to Europol.

Indeed, cyber-criminals are already profiting from the pandemic, with phishing campaigns designed to steal employees’ credentials and compromise business systems, the agency has warned.

Shockingly, hackers are also looking to take advantage of weaknesses in healthcare systems despite the very real-life risk this poses. Interpol’s Cybercrime Threat Response has detected a “significant increase” in the number of attempted ransomware attacks against key organisations around the world. And this is only the start. Read More

When : 18 August 2020

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Registration is exclusive to all IT professionals and C/level / Directors We do reserve the right to cancel any registrations at any point as we do not accept attendees from vendor / supplier organisations. Please provide the following information before proceeding with registration: I have read and accept the Privacy policy. By agreeing to all the above, I accept that my details will be passed on to key sponsors after the event.

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COVID19 Cyber Risk
COVID19 Cyber Risk