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Dark web

Introduction to Cybersecurity and Dark Web

Introduction to Cybersecurity and Dark Web (Part 2)

Introduction to Cybersecurity and Dark Web (Part 2) This is Part 2, to read part 1 : Web and Its Levels The term dark web is part of the WWW and known as invisible/hidden web. The content on the dark web remains hidden and cannot be searched through conventional search engines. The content only […]

Inside The Dark Web

Introduction to Cybersecurity and Dark Web (Part 1)

Introduction to Cybersecurity and Dark Web Cybersecurity and Cybercrime The expansion of internet has created a great opportunity among the users in different domains, for instance, academic, government, business, and industry sectors. However, this growing development has also created the opportunity to exploit vulnerabilities to attack the infrastructure and system, conduct espionage, and wage cyberwar.Therefore, […]

amazon best seller

Inside The Dark Web Best Seller in Amazon

Inside The Dark Web Best Seller in Amazon My new book “Inside The Dark Web” is number 3 in the best selling new Information Technology books at Amazon. Thank you very much for your support, Its an awesome feeling to see your hard work gets some attention . I am looking forward to see the […]

Inside The Dark Web Dr Ozkaya

Inside the Dark Web , my new book is just released (2019)

Inside the Dark Web Summary Inside the Dark Web provides a broad overview of emerging digital threats and computer crimes, with an emphasis on cyberstalking, hacktivism, fraud and identity theft, and attacks on critical infrastructure. The book also analyzes the online underground economy and digital currencies and cybercrime on the dark web. The book further explores […]
