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The Quantum Future – Part 3

The Quantum Future – Part 3

In this blog post, we will be exploring how quantum computing will shape the future. We will delve into the technology behind quantum computing, how it can help with solving complex problems, its impact on various industries, and the implications for the future. Finally, we will look at the potential applications of quantum computing and how it can revolutionize the way we live.

To read Part 1 : click here

To Read Part 2 Click here

Impacts of the quantum technology

Having looked at the promising roadmap and current breakthroughs in quantum technology, it is necessary to look at the impacts of quantum technology. They will be discussed as follows.


As discussed before, quantum technology will be able to break through encryptions. However, quantum computing systems will be used to create new and secure communication methods. There will, therefore, be a new global network designed to be unbreakable under the known laws of physics. Current encryption methods are not designed to be unbreakable; they are designed to be difficult to break. However, quantum communication security mechanisms will be designed not to break.


The quantum technology will come with new ways of sensing called quantum sensing. As described earlier, these methods of sensing will be precise and able to detect very small changes. In mining, they will be able to detect reservoirs more accurately. They will also be used for ultra-sensitive detection of leakages or faults in mines.


Current trading algorithms are made using very powerful computers. This is why trading algorithms tend to be sensitive to market changes as these computers easily find out that there are changes in the market based on trading patterns. Quantum computing will create even better algorithms capable of detecting changes in stock and forex markets as they happen.


The sensing capabilities of quantum systems will be brought to task in defense. There are submarines and planes that are designed to avoid detection by radar. However, quantum technology will bring in new ways for sensing the environments. Therefore, stealth will be hard to achieve. From another perspective, quantum computing will strengthen military organizations. Since the technology is based on laws of physics, it will be able to simulate planes that are faster, lighter, and stiffer that can be used in battlegrounds. The technology will also be ideal for locating targets


There are many research efforts in the health sector that have not been completed due to limitations in computing power. Some operations, such as MRI scans, are slow and expensive due to the nature of computers in use today. The improvement or invention of drugs is also very slow due to the limitations of the current technology. Quantum computing will address all these. It will come with many solutions to the health sector and significantly improve the quality of life of humans.


The quantum technology will be at atomic level. There is a lot of energy that can be harnessed from atoms. Take, for instance, atomic bombs that can produce insanely huge amounts of energy. The current battery technology is based on lithium-ion. Quantum computing will introduce new energy solutions based on other ions.

Big data

Big data is itself quite a new computing innovation. This is where unstructured data is analyzed for meaningful information to be retrieved. The challenge with big data is that its processing takes a lot of time due to the nature of computers in use. With quantum computing, there will be lots of processing power. Therefore, organizations will be able to sift through large datasets and retrieve useful information in record time.

Artificial Intelligence

Machine learning used to give robots Artificial Intelligence is not a fast process. Robots are taking a lot of time to learn through different datasets, mostly due to the limitations of computing power. With quantum computers, the machine learning process will be very fast, and it will lead to what is referred to as quantum Artificial Intelligence.


Qantum commuting are considered to be the next big breakthrough in technology, but what does the future look like? In this third part of our blog series, we’ll explore the potential applications of quantum computing, the challenges the technology will face, and what the ultimate implications of a quantum future might be for us. Join us as we dive deep into the possibilities of a quantum future.

This set of articles (3 parts) has focused on an advancement in computing that is set to hit the world soon. It has talked about quantum computing at length, especially the different ways it will shape the future. The evolution of quantum computing has been described, from the point where it was just a theory to the time when the first quantum computer was built.

This article then looked at the quantum race where different countries are making huge investments to make significant developments in quantum technology. To best explain the main areas of interest, the chapter has taken the roadmap published by Europe on what it hopes to achieve in quantum technology.

The areas of focus are quantum communication, quantum computing, quantum sensing, quantum software, and quantum simulation. Some of the remarkable breakthroughs in quantum technology have been highlighted. These include China’s quantum communication satellites and some if the tech giants’ early prototypes of quantum processors. Lastly, this chapter has looked at the impacts of quantum computing in different fields and sectors.

1. Discuss the evolution of quantum technology.
2. What is quantum communication?
3. Why is it necessary to come up with new ways of securing quantum communication instead of using the currently effective encryption algorithms?
4. If all the encryption algorithms in use today were broken, explain how that would affect your daily life.
5. Quantum computers use qubits. Explain two characteristics of qubits that make them different from bits.
6. Quantum simulation is causing challenges to the conventional computers. Explain why even supercomputers are unable to simulate quantum computing in excess of 50 qubits.
7. What is quantum sensing?
8. Give five impacts of the quantum technology in at least five different sectors

Harvard QC, read here 


quantum future – The Quantum Future – Part 3 – What is a quantum future? – Can quantum predict the future? –
