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Troy Hunt talks I’ve seen, that have inspired me

Troy Hunt talks I’ve seen, that have inspired me

Troy Hunt, an Australian IT Professional, who has a bright future in front of him. If you still don’t know him, I highly recommend to follow him at Twitter and keep an eye on his Personal blog. He is sharing not just great information but also good recommendations for everyone who is in the IT Security industry,

Here is his blog :

And today , I have received an Google alert that i was mentioned somewhere , and honestly I am happy to be in Troy’s blog because i know is working in a project which i bet will take the worlds attention,

Here is the great feedback which I received in his blog:

I find that speaking is something I continue to refine after each session and by all accounts, continue to improve at. Watching the approaches of other speakers and the reactions of the audience is always interesting. The blend of humour and content, how much is ad-libbed, how much the speaker depends on static content and especially how much content there is that people can take away and actually use. For those that are interested, here are some of the talks I’ve seen over the last year or so that have inspired me in totally different ways:

  1. Ben Hammersley at Web Directions 2012. This is notable for the simple fact that it remains the one technology presentation I’ve seen that has no slides, no demos and not a single thing on screen. In fact there was no screen – and it was awesome. I really need to go back and watch it again to better understand just what it was that Ben did so well, but in an era dominated by animated GIFs, memes and live demos, to do nothing more than walk backwards and forwards on a stage for an hour in front of a captivated audience is, IMHO, a massive feat.
  2. Erdal Ozkaya at TechEd Australia 2013. No video for this one, unfortunately, but what Erdal does exceptionally well is to fill the room with an infectiously positive vibe. I heard it said in Oslo while talking with people who actually do speaker training that the audience’s passion for a topic will always match that of the speaker and Erdal always does the “kid in a candy store” thing exceptionally well. He’s also very engaging with the audience – lots of questions, lots of direct discussion and lots of interaction. In a later session at another event, I witnessed Erdal do what to most speakers would deem unthinkable – present an entire session with no visuals when the projector broke. Think about how you’d handle that, fellow speakers!
  3. Scott Hanselman at Codemania New Zealand in 2014. Scott’s a well-renowned speaker and deservedly so, but it’s the way he goes about it that I find most interesting. He’s always extremely comfortable with the topic, that much is clear, and he injects a lot of humour into the talk that gets everyone engaged in the underlying topic. What he really does well is relays a lot of stories that illustrate his points and very rarely relies on reading words from pages so the audience is pretty much always focussed on him and not the screen. What you do see on screen compliments what he’s saying rather than the other way around. The subtle Microsoft-deprecating humour only helps too!

If you would ask me what will be better then one feedback by Troy, I would say receiving two if them 🙂 Here is the second one:

You never quite know what to expect at a new conference in terms of the general feel of the place, particularly when it comes to the levels of formality versus humour versus ad lib by the presenters. I was expecting more formality than I ended up seeing – and that’s a very good thing. There were some great presentations before mine that set a really fun, interactive tone with a very involved audience; Adam Cogan and Damian Brady’s session on ALM in Visual Studio 2013, for example, and particularly Erdal Ozkaya’s Dark Side of Social Networking (absolutely hilarious and very insightful).

Here is the direct URL :

Troy Hunt talks Erdal Ozkaya

And the URL for the second blog post is here :

Troy Hunt Feedback Erdal