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Cybersecurity Canon Candidate Book Review

Cybersecurity Canon Candidate Book Review: Learn Social Engineering

Cybersecurity Canon Candidate Executive Summary Learn Social Engineering: Learn the art of human hacking with an internationally renowned expert will equip you with a holistic understanding of social engineering. It will help you  avoid and combat social engineering attacks by giving you a detailed insight into how a social engineer operates. The book covers topics ranging […]


Recommended by Hacker News – 1

Recommended by Hacker News

The Hacker News has just recommended, our book “Cybersecurity Attack and Defense Strategies” which we wrote with Yuri . Listen to them and get our book 🙂

Amazon : Get it here

Packt : Get it here

Feedback from packt web site


Amazing serAmazing service. Thanks for great dealing with me vice

Fahad Albaz

Great security resource!!

Wilfredo Hernandez-Lora

All you need for a great and easy overview for any ongoing security analyst….

Packt User


Osvaldo Boru

Continue reading Recommended by Hacker News – 1

34 Best Network Security Books of All Time –

34 Best Network Security Books of All Time

Book Authority Award
Book Authority Award

Based on Book Authority our “Cybersecurity Attack and Defense Strategies” Book which I co authored with my dear friend Yuri Diogenes is selected as number 2 in “34 Best Network Security Books of All Time” . This is really great news, we worked hard its always great to see an outcome like that.

We would like to THANK all of you who made this possible


You can buy our book from Amazon 

From the publisher (Packt)

or in any book retailer , who has online store

To see the ranking on Books Authority :

Continue reading 34 Best Network Security Books of All Time –

Book signing Oman

Book signing Oman Thank you for joining <3

Book signing Oman

Thank you very much Muscat, Oman for making me feeling home, your interest in our book did encourage me to do even more.

The photos are talking for them self, I guess I don’t need to write more , again apologies that Yuri could not join, hopefully next time …

Thank you


day was the final day of this extensive travel, but it was definitely worth it.

Engaging in candid conversations with the most influential CISO’s and subject matter experts from the region networking with the security professionals and learning from each other was wonderful

Pinpointing strategies, best practices from GCC organizations , evaluating regional security trends with leading security analysts and leverage the community to drive business success was tremendous

And of course signing the award winning Cybersecurity Attack and Defense Strategies book which we wrote with Yuri, was wonderfull

Thank you for the feedback for my session, for the event and for our book

We will be in touch, as I always say we are Better Together Continue reading Book signing Oman Thank you for joining <3

The Use Of Social Media for Terrorism

The Use Of Social Media for Terrorism

The Use Of Social Media for Terrorism   Abstract: This study goes through the ways in which terrorists have been exploiting social media. It explains how terrorist propaganda has been littered all over the internet. It explains how terrorist groups are recruiting new fighters on social media with special interest on westerners. The study also […]

Defense Against Terrorism NATO Erdal Ozkaya

Defense Against Terrorism -18

 Defense Against Terrorism by NATO 

2018 has started great , my research journal has been published at the  North Atlantic Treaty Organization Defense Against Terrorism Review Vol 9,

You can download the Jornal right from the  Center of Excellence Defense Against Terrorism website

Here is the URL…/03-TheUseofSocial_MediaforTerrorism.pdf

Enjoy reading


North Atlantic Treaty Organization News

Continue reading Defense Against Terrorism -18
