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Cyber Connections News: University of Maryland -2019

Cyber Connections News , University of Maryland

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Cyber Connections News Roundup is a bi-weekly brief of online links to news stories and commentary of interest to the cybersecurity community, delivered on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. Articles are selected for their newsworthiness, timeliness, potential impact, and reach.

April 9, 2019

The Emergence of 5G Networks and the Impact on Cybersecurity

As major network operators roll out their 5G plans,  it’s clear that a new era of connectivity is upon us with  5G playing a leading role in shaping our future, according to an article on According global telecom company Ericsson, in just five years’ time over 1.5 billion of us will be connected to 5G. In the meantime, the IT community has been voicing its concerns for the cybersecurity landscape. The widespread opinion is that 2G, 3G and 4G were designed for people, whereas 5G is  designed for the Internet of Things (IoT). Given this scenario, it is more important than ever than companies reevaluate their security strategies. Read more.

Companies Will Invest More in Cybersecurity if They Understand the Real Cost of an Attack

According to IBM, the average cost of a cybersecurity breach is now at $3,860,000, a 6.4 percent increase in their estimate for 2017. Perhaps if we examine the cost of a cyber attack to a business, we may do more to address future threats. A recent article on puts the cost of an attack in real numbers to help us gain a better understanding of the impact on the bottom line. The article, an excerpt from the book Hands-On Cybersecurity for Finance by Dr. Erdal Ozkaya and Milad Aslaner, uses cost to motivate organizations to come up with better tools and strategies to prevent attacks. Read more.
