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Cyber Security Asia 2022 – Happy to be back in Kuala Lumpur

Cyber Security Asia 2022

Cyber Security Asia 2022 will be taking place on  15-16 August 2022 at the Sheraton Imperial Hotel Kuala Lumpur– bringing together top experts and practitioners for in-depth talks, and exclusive networking opportunities. It’s a platform for the development of partnerships and strategies and highlights the latest technologies that are ensuring the safety and security of government, industry and individuals.

And I am really excited to be back in Kuala Lumpur and of course being part of this wonderful event as speaker.

MySecurity Media will be hosting “The Top Women in Security ASEAN Region Awards” in conjunction with Cyber Security Asia on 15 August 2022.

AWIS2022 has been established to recognize women who have advanced the security industry within the ten countries of the Association of Southeast Asia Nations (ASEAN)

For more inf0rmation : Click Here

Cyber Security Asia 2022 Conference OVERVIEW

With cybercrime on the rise, more money is being spent on its prevention and also on dealing with the effects of its aftermath. According to Global Cybercrime Statistics, 2022 is expected to see a worldwide annual spend of nearly $134 billion, a figure that is set to rise further.

Cybercrime today is not the same as yesterday, and it will also not be the same as tomorrow. There will always be new hybrids of cybercrime methodologies emerging.
Cybersecurity experts project the total net cost of cybercrime to grow by 15 per cent per year over the next five years, reaching USD 10.5 trillion annually by 2025, due to the rapid growth in complexity and frequency.

To stay competitive, the security of your organization’s data, applications, network and critical business processes should be organizations top priority. Globally in , 1 out of every 61 organizations was being impacted by ransomware each week. Cybercrime through ransomware will continue to grow, despite the efforts of law enforcement to limit this growth globally. Threat actors will target companies that can afford paying ransom, and ransomware attacks will become more sophisticated in 2022.

Given today’s increasingly evolving threat landscape, cyber resilience has become an important factor in determining the success of an organization. A cyber-resilient business is well prepared to tackle cybersecurity incidents and can effectively respond to and quickly recover when such events do occur. Your business must have a robust cybersecurity resilience strategy in place that will enable you to maintain business continuity before, during and after a cybersecurity incident.

We look forward to welcoming you for the upcoming Cyber Security Asia 2022 Conference where experts shares latest cyber innovation and strategies to help navigate your organization from the Digital Danger Zone.

For more events click here

Cyber Security Asia 2022 Conference  Cybersecurity Summit Asia Cybercrime Statistics

The speaker banner from last year :

Cybersecurity Summit Asia
Cybersecurity Summit Asia
