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INSEC WORLD 成都·世界信息安全大会三顾蓉城 2021 Nice


My session in Asia’s biggest Info Sec Conference is featured now in the news : Below you can find the links and the “article”

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(Translated by Microsoft Bing)

Sichuan News Network – First Screen News Chengdu, December 14 (Reporter Chen Lin Photo Report)On December 14, the 2021 INSEC WORLD Chengdu World Information Security Conference, an annual event in the information security industry hosted by Informa Markets, the world’s leading exhibition organizer, opened in Chengdu.

With the theme of “Digital Economy Security as the Key”, the conference focused on current hot topics, paying close attention to the top-level design and development trends of the industry, and paying close attention to practical experience and practical technology in the field of information security segmentation. In the network security is the cornerstone of the digital economy at the moment, for the orderly development of the digital economy escort!

the third conference was jointly led by 2 academicians at home and abroad, nearly 60 outstanding speakers at home and abroad were supported, nearly 30 well-known first-line network security enterprises collectively appeared, the opening ceremony on the first day and the global live broadcast of the main forum exceeded 700,000 views, and nearly 1,000 offline and nearly one million online people participated in the interactive industry exchange event.

This is the third time that the conference has been held in rong, and this conference has still been co-organized by relevant industry associations in sichuan province and chengdu, bringing together network security opinion leaders, technical experts, and industry backbones to jointly open the key to network security! this year’s chengdu world information security conference attracted nearly 30 brands to appear on the same stage speaking on behalf of the organizers, zhang ming, vice president of infinitin china, said that infinitin will be committed to introducing more information security and network security resources into chengdu.

The theme forum was led by Shen Changxiang, advisor to the Expert Advisory Committee of the Central Cyberspace Administration of China and academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. With the theme of “building a new ecosystem of security and credible active immunity in cyberspace”, he directly attacked the source of network security risks, and pointed out that using defects to mine vulnerabilities to attack will be the eternal proposition of network security, and only by establishing a protective system of active immunity can we fundamentally solve the problem of network danger. Subsequently, Bart Preneel, former president of the International Cryptography Society and academician of the European Academy of Sciences, shared the future of security and privacy for all participants, pointing out that when society becomes more and more dependent on digital technology, data security and privacy protection have also ushered in more problems. With this as a starting point, we explored technical solutions that can provide privacy design.

Mr. Zheng Lei, Vice President of Convinced Service Technology Co., Ltd., Mr. Lv Yiping, General Manager of Tencent Security Strategy Development Center, Mr. Tan Xiaosheng, Founder and CEO of Beijing CyberStar Technology Co., Ltd., and Dr. Erdal Ozkaya, Chief Information Security Officer of Comodo Cybersecurity, respectively focused on topics such as the new pattern of the future network security industry, the security practice of the industrial Internet, the analysis of the data security industry, and how to get rid of the network security dilemma.

Combined with the latest industry developments and industrial development status, it will bring wonderful speeches.this year’s chengdu world information security conference attracted nearly 30 brands to appear on the same stage

finally, the digital consulting, a third-party research institution in the field of digitalization in china, released this year’s “atlas of china’s digital security capabilities” at the conference.

On the afternoon of the opening day, around the financial industry (bank securities protection) security, CSO, vulnerability attack and defense and security research, data security and cloud security, Nie Jun, Guo Wei and other industry experts and producers, members of the expert advisory group at home and abroad were strictly selected for in-depth discussion. The speakers included a number of large institutions and well-known enterprise groups in the industry, such as ‘

Xinxinfu, Tencent Security, Infosys, Deloitte, BSI, Chengdu Yunqi Technology, Hangzhou Moan Technology, Axin NetShield, Synopsys Technology, etc., to share security practice experience and the latest technology, achieve face-to-face free brainstorming with the participants, jointly explore the latest pulse of the development of the information security industry, gather the strength of the industry, and create a new development of network security!

as a neutral third-party communication platform, this chengdu world information security conference attracted nearly 30 brands to appear on the same stage, invited to convinced service, tencent security, security network shield, 360 government and enterprise security, new thought technology, microbead online, microbeam technology, qi’anxin, anheng and many other international well-known network security enterprises, on enterprise-class network security, cloud security products and services, zero trust solutions, data security, threat warning and other related content.

on december 15th, the general assembly will continue to press against the “digital economy security as the key”, and the morning main forum will invite ping an bank, lexin group, internet merchants bank, microbank, icbc information security related person-in-charge and security experts to share around fintech security. in the afternoon, topics such as intelligent security operations, security innovation, and critical information infrastructure security will be discussed. in addition, there is also advanced training at the same time, which provides in-depth analysis of the application mysteries of deception defense in active security defense systems.

the intellectual property rights of the content published on this website (platform) are owned or held exclusively by sichuan news network media (group) co., ltd. and/or related rights holders. any use of reproduction, editing, reproduction and mirroring is prohibited without permission.

InfoSec Con China

数字经济 安全为钥!INSEC WORLD成都·世界信息安全大会三顾蓉城

四川新闻网-首屏新闻成都12月14日讯(记者 陈淋 摄影报道)12月14日,由全球领先展会主办方Informa Markets主办的信息安全行业年度盛会——2021 INSEC WORLD成都·世界信息安全大会在成都开幕。本届大会以“数字经济 安全为钥”为主题,聚焦当下热门话题,密切关注行业顶层设计和发展趋势,同时关注信息安全细分领域的实践经验和实操技术。在网络安全是数字经济基石的当下,为数字经济有序发展保驾护航!



主题论坛由中央网信办专家咨询委员会顾问、中国工程院院士沈昌祥领衔开讲。他以“打造网络空间安全可信主动免疫新生态”为主题,直击网络安全风险源头,并指出利用缺陷挖掘漏洞进行攻击将是网络安全永远的命题,唯有建立主动免疫的防护体系,才能从根本上解决网络危险问题。随后,国际密码学会前主席、欧洲科学院Bart Preneel院士为所有与会人士分享了安全和隐私的未来,指出当社会越来越依赖数字技术时,数据安全和隐私保护也迎来了更多的难题。并以此为切入点,探讨了能够提供隐私设计的技术解决方案。

深信服科技股份有限公司副总裁郑磊先生、腾讯安全策略发展中心总经理吕一平先生、北京赛博英杰科技有限公司创始人兼CEO谭晓生先生,以及Comodo Cybersecurity首席信息安全官Erdal Ozkaya博士,分别围绕未来网络安全产业新格局、产业互联网的安全实践、数据安全产业分析,和如何摆脱网络安全困境等话题,结合时下最新行业动态及产业发展现状,带来精彩演讲。




12月15日,大会将继续紧扣“数字经济 安全为钥”,上午主论坛将邀请平安银行、乐信集团、网商银行、微众银行、工商银行信息安全相关负责人和安全专家,围绕金融科技安全进行分享。下午将就智能安全运营、安全创新、关键信息基础设施安全等话题展开探讨。另外,同期还设有高级培训,就欺骗防御在主动安全防御体系中的应用奥秘进行深度解析。


To see my other news appearance 

InfoSec World Erdal Ozkaya
InfoSec World Asia Dr Erdal Ozkaya

InfoSec Con China  InfoSec World
