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Speaking at Microsoft Management Summit 2011 – Thankful <3

Speaking at Microsoft Management Summit

This is again a part of year where Microsoft reaches out to all its customers, partners, IT Pros and developers through its back to back technical conferences with some great announcements, Technical Sessions and demonstrations of its latest and cutting edge products and solutions.

Year 2011 will start with Microsoft Management Summit 2011 next week in Las Vegas, followed by TechEd North America 2011 in May and then Worldwide Partner Conference 2011 (WPC) in July.

MMS 2011 too expected to be all about Private Cloud, Datacenter Automation and Virtualization Management. The products which I am really looking forward to at MMS this year is VMM 2012, Opalis and Service Manager

I’ll be working at MMS 2011 in Las Vegas next week as a Microsoft Speaker and product specialist for Windows Intune and Microsoft Security 🙂

See you all in Vegas

To watch the sessions : Click Here


MMS Erdal Ozkaya
MMS Erdal Ozkaya