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Erdal Ozkaya

Erdal Ozkaya in the News

POST COVID-19 ERA – Cyber Security Challenges and Guidance from a Leader’s Perspective -Free 20


As published at the Tech Mag Pakistan  

CSAP (Cyber Security Alliance Pakistan) organized a Webinar specifically to discuss the Cyber Security challenges faced by organizations these days in the post-COVID19 Era as the Cyber Threats are on a drastic rise. We invited the industry leaders where they discussed ‘POST COVID-19 ERA – Cyber Security Challenges and Guidance from a Leader’s Perspective’.

The Webinar was moderated by Syed Ali Naqvi (Core Council Member at CSAP and Sr. Technical Infosec Officer at Habib Bank Limited), Erdal Ozkaya (Regional CISO/MD at Standard Chartered Bank), Jorge Sebastiao (CTO at Huawei), Ahrar Naqvi (CEO at EBRYX), Mirza Asrar Baig (CEO at CTM360 and DMARC360), and finally Abdus Saboor (CoFounder CSAP & CEO at IPNEC and Priv0).

You can watch the recording here : Continue reading POST COVID-19 ERA – Cyber Security Challenges and Guidance from a Leader’s Perspective -Free 20

International Cyber Warfare Erdal Ozkaya

International Cyber Warfare Conference

International Cyber Warfare Conference , proud to be awarded ! It was an honor speaking at The International Cyber Warfare Conference – #ICWC 2019 & receiving an appreciation award from the Minister of Technology and Defence.It was also a great honor to get the kudos for our Turkish Book from Ismail Demir SSB – Savunma Sanayii Başkanlığı […]


Blogging at ÇözümPark Bilişim Portalı – Informative and Free 2 learn

Blogging at ÇözümPark Bilişim Portalı

I am proud to announce that I have officially joined ÇözümPark Bilişim Portalı which is Turkey’s biggest User group together with @daronyondem & @GurayYildirimTR #mvpbuzz

ÇözümPark Bilişim Portalı

Blogging at ÇözümPark
Blogging at ÇözümPark Bilişim Portalı

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Continue reading Blogging at ÇözümPark Bilişim Portalı – Informative and Free 2 learn

Experts covered Cybersecurity

4th New Media Conference – Fantastic opportunity to join for free

4th New Media Conference

I am proud to announce that I will be delivering the keynote in the 4th New Media Conference , by Istanbul Gelisim University , which will future AI & Cybersecurity and how Microsoft can help via Hürriyet (Turkish International Newspaper)

Below is the direct link to the newspaper – ( is in Turkish)

 İSTANBUL Gelişim Üniversitesi (İGÜ) Yeni Medya Bölümü tarafından 2015 yılından beri düzenlenen Uluslararası Yeni Medya Konferansı’nın bu yıl 4’üncüsü gerçekleşecek.

22-23 Kasım tarihleri arasında İGÜ mühendislik fakültesi, iktisadi idari sosyal bilimler fakültesi yeni medya bölümü ve güzel sanatlar fakültesi televizyon sinema bölümü ile ortaklaşa düzenleyeceği 4’üncü Uluslararası Yeni Medya Konferansı’nın ana teması ‘Yapay Zeka’ olarak belirlendi.

Yapay Zeka alanındaki gelişmeleri takip etmek ve akademik alana katkı sağlamak amacıyla düzenlenen konferansın açılış konuşmasını Microsoft Siber Güvenlik Danışmanı Dr. Erdal Özkaya yapacak. Konferansa yerli ve yabancı birçok bilim insanının katılması bekleniyor. Continue reading 4th New Media Conference – Fantastic opportunity to join for free

Learn Social Engineering with Dr Erdal Ozkaya Foreword by Troy Hunt

Learn Social Engineering : New Book

Learn Social Engineering : My New Book I am pleased to announce that my new book “Learn Social Engineering” has just been published. A book which covers  SocialEngineering from A to Z & contains case studies from the field, as well as expert opinions. (foreword by Troy Hunt)  Improve information security by learning Social Engineering. […]
