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Keynote at Global CIO 200 Ozkaya Erdal

Keynote at Global CIO 200 – Great Event to join

Keynote at Global CIO 200

I am happy to announce that I am going to deliver the Opening Session  at the CIO 200 Road Show UAE Edition , It will start from 11:15 AM Dubai on 14th December .

Register here :

Global CIO Forum – Complete Solution

My session details :

2021 Cybersecurity Predictions

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Continue reading Keynote at Global CIO 200 – Great Event to join

National Event of SCIT India Keynote Dr Erdal Ozkaya

National Event of SCIT India -2020 Free Rego

National Event of SCIT India -2020

Symbiosis Centre for Information Technology [SCIT] has invited me as Chief Guest / Keynote speaker to their National Event. It will be a pleasure to share my knowledge and advises about Information Technology and Cybersecurity with their management as well as students.

National Seminar at SCIT, for the past 20 years has been an inimitable platform to critically assess the State of IT and related industries from a multitude of dimensions. Over the period of time, National Seminar has become the platform where the best of the IT minds meet, understand and discuss the dynamics of the IT industry for the future.

The details of the National Seminar 2020 are as follows: Continue reading National Event of SCIT India -2020 Free Rego

Chief Audit Executive Conference Erdal Ozkaya

Chief Audit Executive Conference 2019- Free to join

Chief Audit Executive Conference The United Arab Emirates Internal Audit Association (UAE-IAA) is a vibrant organization founded by a dedicated group of practicing volunteers to serve the profession and the needs of local internal auditors. The UAE IAA was chartered by a government decree from the UAE Ministry of Community Development and is dully affiliated […]


Sony R & D Conference Keynote – 2019 Meeting the Innovative team

Sony R and D Conference -Keynote in London 

I am proud to announce that I am invited to deliver a Keynote, as Guest Speaker at the internal Sony Research and Development Conference this week, in the United Kingdom. As usual, I will be speaking all about CyberSecurity.

Event Dates : 18-19 June , London…

More info about Sony R&D

For more evets :

Sony R&D Conference 2019 London 

Continue reading Sony R & D Conference Keynote – 2019 Meeting the Innovative team


Keynote MFA Turkey 2018

Keynote MFA Turkey It was an honor to present to the MFA staff, Ministers and Turkish consulates from all over the world about the importance of Cybersecurity and SocialEngineering. On behalf of Microsoft & myself I would like to thank them for their great hospitality.

Experts covered Cybersecurity

4th New Media Conference – Fantastic opportunity to join for free

4th New Media Conference

I am proud to announce that I will be delivering the keynote in the 4th New Media Conference , by Istanbul Gelisim University , which will future AI & Cybersecurity and how Microsoft can help via Hürriyet (Turkish International Newspaper)

Below is the direct link to the newspaper – ( is in Turkish)

 İSTANBUL Gelişim Üniversitesi (İGÜ) Yeni Medya Bölümü tarafından 2015 yılından beri düzenlenen Uluslararası Yeni Medya Konferansı’nın bu yıl 4’üncüsü gerçekleşecek.

22-23 Kasım tarihleri arasında İGÜ mühendislik fakültesi, iktisadi idari sosyal bilimler fakültesi yeni medya bölümü ve güzel sanatlar fakültesi televizyon sinema bölümü ile ortaklaşa düzenleyeceği 4’üncü Uluslararası Yeni Medya Konferansı’nın ana teması ‘Yapay Zeka’ olarak belirlendi.

Yapay Zeka alanındaki gelişmeleri takip etmek ve akademik alana katkı sağlamak amacıyla düzenlenen konferansın açılış konuşmasını Microsoft Siber Güvenlik Danışmanı Dr. Erdal Özkaya yapacak. Konferansa yerli ve yabancı birçok bilim insanının katılması bekleniyor. Continue reading 4th New Media Conference – Fantastic opportunity to join for free
