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Raymond Comvalius

Dr Erdal Ozkaya Halt hackers

Halt hackers: Do those tricks still work with Windows 10 ? – Free Video

Halt hackers

Over the past years, attacks have become more sophisticated and what was once the safest operating system on the planet, can now easily be hacked. What are the most compelling dangers for Microsoft Windows 7 and 8.1, and how is Windows 10 capable of fixing them? This session shows what Windows 10 will help to protect out of the box and what you can do about the remaining threats

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MS Ignite Spotlight Dr Erdal Ozkaya

MS Ignite Spotlight Session , Great feedback 10

Halt Hackers : DO those tricks still work with Windows 10 , our session is under the spotlight. Don’t forget to register to MS Ignite and if you have already registered, make sure to attend our session which is all about Security MS Ignite :

Windows Security Erdal Ozkaya

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