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Cyber Security Asia 2023

Cyber Security Asia 2023

Now more than ever, businesses, governments, and individuals alike must be aware of the ever-growing threats posed by cyber criminals. I’m excited to once again be returning to the Cybersecurity Asia Conference to deliver a session on the latest technologies, strategies and insights to help combat the growing threats of cybercrime, specifically Ransomware.

This year’s conference will be packed with experts from all corners of the world, as usual, and I can’t wait to share my experience and knowledge with the audience. I’ll be discussing a variety of cybercrime incuding the latest trends, developments, and solutions in the fight against cybercrime. I’m certain that this conference will provide invaluable insights and resources to help people better protect themselves from cyber-attacks.

Cyber Security Asia 2023 will be taking place on 19-20 June 2023 at Sheraton Imperial Hotel Kuala Lumpur– bringing together top experts and practitioners for in-depth talks, and exclusive networking opportunities. It is a platform for the development of partnerships and strategies and highlights the latest technologies that are ensuring the safety and security of government, industry and individuals.

Here is my session abstract:

19 June 2023 | 12:00-12:30PM:


Ransomware continues to be a major concern for all governments and businesses. The data-locking malware is continuing to proliferate, and it is becoming more sophisticated. This talk will cover.
• Recent ransomware attacks on business and government, and what can be learned from them
• How ransomware infiltrates businesses
• Which APTs use ransomware and how to avoid their attacks
• Ransomware-as-a-service: A big business
• Ransom cloud: How attackers are increasingly targeting cloud based applications and cloud providers, and the implications
• Business strategy and future ransomware trends
Dr. Erdal Ozkaya, Chief Cybersecurity Strategist, XCITIUM 

For more info about the event, click here


Cyber security is a constantly evolving sector. Both hackers and security experts are always in a battle to outsmart each other, and in today’s digital age, cyber security is more crucial than ever. Digital business and hybrid workplaces have shifted the cyber security landscape. Ransomware has evolved, phishing is all-too-common, and law enforcement agencies have enormous backlogs of crimes requiring investigations. It is necessary to reframe security practices and rethink technology, as well as prepare for new threats. With the support of forward-thinking security strategies and technology solutions to match, the modern business can minimize potential risk and step into a digital future confidently.

Are You Ready For The Future of Cyber Security?

This is your opportunity to get ahead and meet these challenges head-on.


  • Everything You Need To Learn and Everyone You Need To Meet In The Cyber Security Sphere
  • Discover The Security Use Cases, Business Models And Roadblocks That Can Support Your Digital Transformation
  • Learn From International Thought-Provoking Cyber Security And Cyber Risk Experts
  • Connect With Global Technologist And Early Adopters To Expand Your Network

If you cannot attend this event, check out what other events I attend right here

Top Women in Security ASEAN Region Awards

The Top Women in Security ASEAN Region Awards form part of a global campaign by the Women in Security & Resilience Alliance (WISECRA).

This initiative is open to all ASEAN member countries and follows successful awards in 2022, 2021 and was launched with the Top Women in Security Awards held during 2020 in Singapore, Malaysia and Philippines.

As an ‘Industry Community’ orientated awards the feedback has been deep and meaningful. The awards ceremonies and the acceptance speeches from the Finalists is a testament to what the awards mean to participants and the value given for professional recognition and development.

Year to year we have gathered unique industry partnership arrangements, bringing together key chapters of premier, global security industry associations and professional women in security groups in Singapore. Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Cambodia and including the ASEAN Region Women in Security Network.

Nominations generally include women holding senior security roles including CISO, Global Head of Cyber Threat Prevention, Operation Director, Senior Business Director, Executive Director – Information & Cyber Security Risk, Security Lead – Cybersecurity GRC and Threat Exposure Management lead.

Nominees (other than for Open Category Awards) must be women with more than three years of experience in the security industry, be that in cybersecurity, electronics, physical, protective and risk management roles. Self-nominations are welcome. Open Category Awards are open to all.

Info about Cybersecurity Asia 2022, click here


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